Monday 7 September 2015

Faaker see 2015 week 2

Faaker see 2015 week 2

Monday 07.09.15 Faaker see 2015

Had another fab day which has been more about the travelling rather than the destination. It took us a good hour to get down stelvio pass this morning on-route to our next destination which is Bruneck still in Italy. I had planned to do the scenic routes and TomTom Jane did us proud. We travelled through Merano which had mile upon mile of apple trees all in perfect lines and full of ripe apples. It was then onto Vipiteno via another mountain pass which was as exhilarating as stelvio but without the snow on top. We are now checked into another posh hotel with suite and been into town to checkout the nearest kebab shop.

On route to faaker see 2015
On route to faaker see 2015
That was some road
On route to faaker see 2015
Dinner again on Pam
View from our balcony
I know what I'm having tonight












Tuesday 08.09.15 Faaker see 2015

O'h life is good especially on Brownie tours. We had a easy ride this morning to our hotel in Obervellach which is in Austria, the roads and villages are picture card perfect. We arrived early because we wanted to re-visit Raggaschlucht as we have been in the past many years ago and wanted to spend a little more time to savour the experience. It is one of the best waterfalls we have visited with 800m of precarious board walk which climbs some 200m. The pictures don't do it justice as you need the sound of the cascading water.

On route to faaker see 2015
I should have dead headed flowers 1st
On route to faaker see 2015
The clean fresh air is lovely as well as the scenery
I can't imagine how they built this
Single file only


Wednesday 09.09.15 Faaker see 2015

It was a nice easy ride to our pre-booked apartment at Portchach Worthersee. As it was only an hours ride we decided to call at the rally site at faaker see on route. It was already starting to get busy and would imagine it's going to be heaving in the next few days. To be quite honest it's not our cup of tea to be there all the time and that's why we had booked our accommodation at Worthersee and use the bulk of our time site seeing and will probably go back to the rally one afternoon. Anyway where we are stopping is out of this world, the apartment is massive and that big we could take in lodgers. It's right by the lake which currently has a water temperature of 24 degrees. It's a fresh water lake and the locals say the water is that soft it makes your skin feel as smooth as a baby's bum so we shall have to see if it works on this hairy arse biker.

faaker see 2015
Can you spot my bike?
faaker see 2015
faaker see 2015
Pams been shopping already
faaker see 2015
faaker see 2015
I knew we should have brought Charlie
View from balcony
I wish I had my stand up board



Thursday 10.09.15 Faaker see 2015

After breakfast we headed to lake Ossiacher See where you can get a cable car ride up a alpine alp called Girlitzen, actually it was two cable car rides. We set off in lovely warm sunshine but as we ascended the cloud moved in and at times we were travelling through them. It was freezing at the top so it was a quick walk round, a couple of brew stops and headed back down to get warmed up. On route back to the apartment we stopped at villacher museum which had a good selection of cars and bikes. Then it was back to chill out by the lake. I'm cooking again tonight as kebab shops must be banned in Austria, we've not seen one for days.

faaker see 2015
Pam's feared to death as we forgot to put barrier down
faaker see 2015
faaker see 2015
Gosh they must be big buggers up here
faaker see 2015
This beats my man cave



Friday 11.09.15 Faaker see 2015

I had three places planned to visit today but we only did one which was Tscheppaschlucht which is another waterfall. Well it was a good mile hike through a forest just to get to the entrance then you walk alongside the waters edge via some very rough ground, timber board walks and bridges. The good lady in the kiosk said its about an hour to the falls, anyway 2hrs later we arrived and the views were spectacular .We then ascended a very steep metal staircase thinking this was the exit only to find at the top was a series of sign posts showing three directions. Having tried all of them and some even twice which didn't seem to get us anywhere What seemed like hours, we eventually got to the main road which was on the alpine pass and was very precarious as there was no pavement. Next task was to find the bus stop for the bus to take us back down to the entrance to collect Bertha ( I'm waffling again ) any way to cut a very long story short we resorted to thumbing a lift and I noticed that non of the male drivers would stop. Then a very nice lady driver must have caught a glimpse of my blue eyes and good looks and squealed to a halt leaving a trail of burning tire marks down the road. She was called Maria and very kindly took us to the bike she was however reluctant to take Pam but I managed to persuade her. ( I think we would still be there now if it wasn't for this lady.) We both agreed that's enough sight seeing for today and went straight back to base camp for a nice long swim and Loz in the sun followed by champagne on the jetty at 6.00pm on the dot

O'h life is good.

Pictures don't do it justice

I'm a celebrity get me out of here
Our saviour Maria

Time for a scrub up


Saturday 12.09.15 Faaker see 2015

Woke to lovely clear blues skies which was good as tomorrow's forecast is cloud. We agreed to visit the rally once more to see if we could find some dolly birds for my dad and Steven. Sorry to disappoint you both but I trapped off with one called dolly and I will let you guess her second name. As we thought the place was heaving with people. Faaker see would not have the capacity to hold every biker as there must be many thousand and all the villages and towns for upto 20miles away are packed with bikers doing their own thing. We did manage to watch the bike parade which had a police escort and lasted a good 45minutes

As we are on holiday and to make the most of the apartments facilities it was straight back to enjoy the last of the champagne and sunshine.

faaker see 2015
faaker see 2015
Big tits at faaker see 2015
Meet my bit on the side Dolly
Big tits at faaker see 2015
Look she's caught a glimpse of my blue eyes it gets them every time
Good job she didn't see my belly
I could get use to this


Sunday 13.09.15 Faaker see 2015

Made the most of our last day in Austria starting with a quick trip around Europe and some far away places, well at least the miniature version. It was then off to visit a 9th century church which overlooked lake Worthersee before heading to Castle Hochesterwitz. We still had time left for cloud bathing and a last dip in the lake and yes the hairy arse biker now has skin smooth as a babies bum.



We have lift off
Church in background


That finishes week 2. If you would like to see what we get up to in week 3 then click on newer posts at the bottom left hand side, and thanks for all the comments unfortunately I don't seem to be able to reply to them individually but they are very welcome.






ferrarisam[dad] said...

what beautiful scenery and the weather has been good for you
that must be the highest number of hairpins on any alpine pass
take care and enjoy
don't worry about any of us here in uk
we are just sick with envy!!

maggs said...

forget the bird seed i,come with you next time love maggs

ferrarisam said...

Come on some of you leave your comments peter has gone to a lot of trouble to write this up every day .so come on dont be shy!

Unknown said...

Bertha is doing you proud! Some lovely roads, bet you had a sweat on at the bottom of the pass, a lot of weight to hold up round them tight bends, love Ste and Jackie

Unknown said...

Finally managed to sort a way to post after setting up accounts with loads of urls!!

Unknown said...

It looks gorgeous! I knew I recognised that waterfall when I got the whatsapp, it's from when you went last time. It was so nice to see it with the sound. Shame you can't post videos on your blog. Xx

ferrarisam[dad] said...

looked at pics of last years rally
now we know why you are so keen
love your blogs,waiting for the next one

ferrarisam[dad] said...

like the apartment
are there any indian takeaways nearby

Unknown said...

Your pic's show you are having a ball, your Dad rang a while ago, I was in bed so Sue spoke to him, it seems they are too having a great time. Enjoy guys.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The rally looks AMAZING! I see you are leaving the partying to the die hard bikers & just visiting the stalls and not the beer tent.
Have I thought you nothing 🙈.
Regardless, your trip looks amazing.
Not sure if I'll get to check blog whilst I'm in Germany but I'm going to try to if I can get on wifi. I'll still whatsapp tho xxxx

Unknown said...

Charlie says he doesn't fancy it but Molly will come!!!

ferrarisam[dad] said...

have you seen the dolly birds at the rally yet?
enjoy yourselves and take care

ferrarisam[dad] said...

you must be experts at scrambling round boardwalks and waterfalls
[when are we going to see the dollybirds?]

Unknown said...

I second the dolly birds, you defiantly wasn't a Boy Scout!

ferrarisam[dad] said...

it looks exciting and very noisy are they all Harleys?

Unknown said...

I can' believe it--week 4 coming up, your Dads just been here with some wood for me.
The lathe is the best thing I have bought, I can't keep away from it.
Enjoy your 4th week--the pics are fantastic. Take care now.
